Fr. Caliente

LORD JESUS CHRIST, our Merciful Priest and Saving Victim, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys and sufferings this day. I unite my heart to your Heart, as well as my thoughts, words and actions. Most of all, in a very particular way, as I offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for the salvation of souls, the sanctification of priests, the intentions of your Sacred Heart, and those of the Holy Father. Amen.


Fr. Caliente

O MOST HOLY TRINITY, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, take possession of my mind, my heart, my body, and my soul. Everything that I am and have is yours. Let me receive from your fountain of mercy. Heal me of my wounds, touch every part of my being with your healing love. Protect me with your presence and let no evil touch me. May I live every moment of this day in love of you. I give myself totally to you today for the renewal and sanctification of your priests, the healing of your Church and all the souls entrusted to my pastoral care.

“Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.” (Revelations 1:5-6)

Act of Oblation to Jesus, Priest & Victim

(To be renewed every Holy Thursday before the Altar of Repose)

I, Father ____________________________________, do hereby make a private act of oblation to Jesus Christ, our Merciful Priest and our Saving Victim.  I willingly and freely offer my self and my spirit to, and in union with, the divine author of the sacred priestly office, Jesus Christ, present in the most Blessed Sacrament.

In union with all my brothers of the Confraternity Of Jesus, Priest and Victim, I commit myself to the holy aspirations of the grace and character of the Sacred Priesthood, exercised herein to the capacity that my Ordinary has committed me to, spending myself and these sacred privileges primarily as an act of adoration to God the Father, as an act of pastoral charity for the people entrusted to my pastoral care, to pray for all the members of this Priestly Confraternity, for the renewal and sanctification of priests and as an act of reparation for all the scandals and sins committed by the clergy.

May this act of oblation be a pleasing fragrance of self-offering to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Through the intercession of Mary, Queen and Mother of Priests and all the saints, may the Lord grant me the grace of total fidelity to the promises of my baptism and ordination.  Amen.





